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Writer's pictureNutty Bookworm

#Ineedtodobetterwith wrapups

Again I got so carried away and began my December TBR and forgetting to wrap up what I had previously read in November so here I am bunging together November Wrap up, December Wrap up, end of year Wrap up and finally my hopes for 2022.

November I read 17 books and I am amazed that I was still getting through so many books as it didn't feel like i was. My total page count was 4,681 and I unhauled 7 books. It would of been 9 but I kind of had a brain fart (my age) and forgot to send two books off oopsie.

My least favourite book was Passport by Sophie Glock which I read for a blog tour and still feel underwhelmed this book could of been amazing but to me it was lack lustre. In sharp contradiction my favourite book which scored a perfect 5 star rating was Ghost Boys written by the amazing Jewell Parker Rhodes. This book needs to be read by EVERYONE who is able to and Jewell is fast becoming and auto buy author for me.

December I decided to read seasonally and so I read mainly Christmas books and I had such a great time and will be definitely repeating this in 2022. I read 13 books and my total page count for the month was 4,751 and again that total amazed me. I also unhauled 11 books including the two I omitted from the previous unhaul.

My least favourite book was Mistletoe and Murder by Robin Stevens. I found this lacking and felt like the story could of been alot better. While my favourite book was The Secrets of Winterhouse by Ben Guterson which is the second book in the Winterhouse trilogy. I loved it so much I had to give it 5 stars.

And now here are the stats for the whole of 2021 which I am totally over the moon about. My Goodreads goal was 40 books but I managed to read 151 books which equates to 42,248 pages and I unhauled 101 books . As for the star ratings breakdown I had 30 five star reads, 107 four stars, 11 three stars, 1 two star and 1 one star read. I was totally blown over by the amount of 5 star reads in one year and hope that it will continue in my 2022 reads.

For 2022 I have still kept my goodreads challenge set at 40 books and will just see where we go from there. I still want to do more blog tours as I have loved every minute and a lot of the books which I read in 2021 I would most probably of not picked up myself. I am not doing any readathons this year as in 2021 I did quite a lot and now want to concentrate on getting my whole TBR down which means physical and Ebooks. I now know how many Ebooks and Netgalley Arcs I have and all I can say is yowsers. So for this year I have on printed paper rolled up and put into two tubs for ebooks and netgalley and I will pull at least two each and put them on my TBR. I also am continuing with reading the next book in a series and already have completed one series in January and set two finish a further two series. I am still on a physical book buying ban but have given myself the permission to buy highly anticipated books and still allowing myself to buy the kindle deals. I am also restarting my reading the books form my book boxes which was pretty much a success last year and I want to keep up the momentum.

I think that's all for now.

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