Into the Lion's Mouth by Nancy McConnell
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Book Details
Length: 227 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction
Age Category: Middle Grade
Date Published: 07 September 2021
Amazon Link: https://a.co/d/fdAaJMJ (Canada)
https://a.co/d/a8jh9f2 (USA)
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58107181
The StoryGraph Link: https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/02774594-9bd1-42ac-b4ff-e0892f957d36
Venice is sinking, so they say.
And so are Nico's chances to prosper in the most glorious city in the world. Nurse Francesca is threatening to send him to a farm to pick olives, he has failed at two apprenticeships, and one of the most powerful men in Venice would like to sink Nico's lifeless body into the darkest canal. Orphans have very few options and Nico might be forced to choose the one he most wishes to avoid, leaving Venice behind forever.
Author Bio
Nancy McConnell grew up in a little family, in a small town on the outskirts of a bigger city. Besides her family, the two things she loved most in the world were: reading and playing pretend. When she grew up, reading was allowed but playing pretend was sometimes frowned upon. Since that was the case, she decided to write books so that the stories running around in her head would still live. In between writing stories, marrying her college sweetheart, and moving to a new country, she had her own little family and settled in another small town on the way outskirts of a much bigger city. Some things never change. When not writing, Nancy can be found puttering in her garden, taking photos or baking.
Follow Nancy on Instagram @nancywrites66, on Twitter @nancyemcc, and on Facebook @nancywrites4kids or visit her website nancymcconnell.com.
I was intrigued by the title Into the Lion's Mouth but when I began to read it I could see for the story to work the plot needed to be worked on a bit more as the ending seemed to be a bit rushed.
What did keep me entranced was the stories of the journey of the Soldo and we were introduced to Lisabetta who for me was a better M/C than Nico. Two other characters which lifted the story were Venice itself which made me feel that I was there and Newcastle who should of been in the story a bit longer as he was such a lively character.
For all the above reasons Into the Lion's Mouth receives 3 stars